Solana web slots Troubleshooting: Get price channel updates
As a Solana user, you trust real -time price channels to inform about market trends and prices. However, I was facing a problem when I got pair price updates in my program. This article aims to provide a clear overview of the problem and the actions taken to resolve it.
Question: “Programubscribe”
Using the Programscribe to get the Solana price channel updates can cause some possible problems. Specifically, in terms of price channel from external sources such as API or Exchange, these subscriptions may not return data for a variety of reasons such as:
- API errors: API errors or external sources limit restrictions can prevent successful subscriptions.
Steps to solve the problem:
To eliminate and resolve this problem, do the following:
Step 1: Check the subscription pores
Make sure the correct subscription pairs are used. You may need to check your programubscribe code to check that you are using the right pair.
CONST {Program} = Require (“@Solana-Program/P”);
CONST program = new program (yourprogram, Your Solana Program ID);
// Get a list of potential subscription pairs
CONS Prenscripails = Wait for the program.Getprogramfo (program.programid, [“subscribers”]);
Step 2: Check the connection
Before submitting a Websocket request to external sources, make sure your connection is stable and may establish a continuous network connection.
Import {Createclient} from WS;
// Create WS Customer
CONST WSS = New Createclient ({URL: “WSS: //”});
// Use WS Customer to submit a subscription request
Subscription to Async
try {
CONST Response = waiting for wss.send ({{{{{{{{{{{{{
ID: Your_wss_id,
JSONRPC: “2.0”,
Method: “Subscribe”,
Parameters: [
Type: Price_feed,
Couple: Your_Pair_id,
the back -to -call function,
Console.log (Response.result);
} catch (error) {
// to handle errors
Step 3: Add error handling
To solve potential problems that may arise from time breaks, network connection problems or API errors, you can add error handling mechanisms to your code.
// Wrap the subscription call with blocks tested
Subscription to Async
try {
CONST Response = waiting for wss.send ({{{{{{{{{{{{{
ID: Your_wss_id,
JSONRPC: “2.0”,
Method: “Subscribe”,
Parameters: [
Type: Price_feed,
Couple: Your_Pair_id,
the back -to -call function,
Console.log (Response.result);
} catch (error) {
// to handle errors
If (Error.Erortype == “Timeouterror”) {
Console.error (“time error occurred. Retransmission …”);
Wait for Settimeout (PrenumeratorireFeed, 5000); // Wait 5 seconds before trying to repeat
Console.error (Websocket Connection Closed. Retrying …);
wait for settimeout (subscription, 5000); // Wait 5 seconds before trying to repeat
} ELSE {
console.error (unknown error: $ {Error.Message}
By performing these steps and involving the right error handling mechanisms in your code, you should be able to solve the problem by receiving the Solana Pair Price Updates using Programubscribe.