Ethereum: How to get unspents for a specified bitcoin address?

Inexpensive data acquisition of data for a particular Bitcoin address

When you try to get inexplicable data on a particular Bitcoin address, there could be several reasons why the ListunSpent team doesn’t work as expected. Here is a step by step to help you prevent and solve this problem.

Why ListunSpent might not work

* Regtest Mode : If your wallet is operating in Regtest mode (-Regtest flag), it may not provide unused data on some addresses, as the Regtest is only for testing.

* Limited or Invalid Address

Ethereum: How to get unspents for a specified bitcoin address?

: Some Bitcoin addresses may be invalid or created using the wrong seed phrase that could prevent the ListunSpent team from obtaining unpacked data.

Troubleshooting Actions

  • Check your wallet configuration file : Check that your wallet is properly configured to generate unspeakable data for a specific address.

  • Use the flag `ARListunSpent : Try to run the following command:


Bitcoin -Cli -Regtest -address ListunSp


Replace with the actual Bitcoin address that you are trying to get inexplicable data.

Check the wallet “Secrets” file : Make sure your wallet generates unpacked data using the right seed phrase and a private key.

  • Use getunSpentoutput Command : Try to run this command:


Bitcoin-Cli -Regtest GetunSpentoutut


This command will give you a CSV file containing information on each unpackable output to the specified address.

  • Check the wallet network : Make sure the wallet is connected to the right network (eg Mainnet, TestNet).

Additional tips

  • Be sure to create and use the keys you need, such as a private key and seed phrase.

  • Check that your Bitcoin address is correct and not changed or renamed.


If you still have problems after testing these trials, you may have a problem in the local wallet setting. You can try to use other wallet software or check your wallet documentation to get more detailed instructions on unpaved data generation for specific addresses.

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