Bitcoin: Creating a raw Segwit transaction from scratch and getting Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation

Crushes Cricking Segwit from Zero: Ponimania (multi) Sig Operation Verification

As a bit of bitcomas, the transaction of Segwit is a fundamental task. The topic does not, the base of the main mechanics can be a complex, especially for the starting. In this state, we will construct the details of the unproven transaction segwit from zero, and we will get along to the operating of the provocation centers (many).

Segwit bases

We are submerged in the unobtrusive transaction of Segwit, let’s take a fast -free basis:

* Segwit (Decleel Market) : Segwit – This is a bitcoin, which makes it possible to sign on a few signatures. This function has been presented for the scratching of the blocks of blocks that are necessary for the blocking block and the increasing efficiency of the network.

* Check (Many) SIG : Verification (Many) Sig – This Mechanism Towards Transaction, Used in transaction Segwit. It is prevented that every exit can be verified by any miner, not a treasured unique signature for each record.

Crushes Cricking Segwit

To make a rough transaction segwit with zero, you should be downed to this shagi:

  • Flow the entrance data : you should be supplemented by the block with a few output. Each exit should have to have their own set of entry records and transaction of Coinbase.

  • Submit the transaction : Create a new transaction, using a commander’s tool tx or library, such as a bitcoin-yawa. Receive that you have indicated the transaction version (in the current time 1) and the type of records (deduction).



Here’s a primer that you can make an unproven transaction segwit, using bitcoin-jav:


Import Org.bouncycastle.openpg.pgpexception;

Import Org.bouncycastle.openpgp.pgppublickey;

Opened class rawsegwittranscipt {

PUBLIC Static Void Main (String [] Args) Brat Pgpexception {

// Putting the data of the vicin

Inputblock Input = New Inputblock ();


OutPutblock Output2 = New Outputblock ();

// Create a transaction

Tx = new transaction transaction (entrance);

// Add outgoing data

OUTPUT1.SETINPUTS (New Arraylist () {{{

Add -on (New OutputinPut (1, "Scriptpubkey", "M/44 '/0'/0"));

Add -on (new outputinput (2, "Scriptpubkey", "M/44 '/1'/1"));



Add -on (new outputinput (3, "Scriptpubkey", "M/44 '/2'/0 '));

Add -on (New OutputinPut (4, "Scriptpubkey", "M/44 '/3'/0 '));


// Genero Data BRUT transaction in Pem formate

byte [] pem = tx.topem ();

System.out.println ("Raw Segwit transaction:");

System.out.println (PEM);




verify (many) Operation SIG

Now, when you made an unprocessed transaction segwit, let’s subtress into the SIG -penitent (Many) Operations.

Check (Many) SIG guarantee that every exit can be verified by any miner, no unique signature for each record. That’s how it works:

  • Favoritation of the Vyazod

    : The SIG (Multi) Proverb is verified by transaction sides that it is impaired that the actual one.

  • Translation Provision

    Bitcoin: Creating a raw Segwit transaction from scratch and getting Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation

    : If all recordings, sig of verification (many) checks out, verification, you can check out each miner, useful.

In the predicted state, we predict that the “Scriptpubkey” for each output is the right and the scriptpubkey. If there is a shot of the records or if the malicious transaction is made, check (many) sig will not turn the transaction.

Bitcoin Periodically Check Block

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