Ethereum: Calculate hash of block header

Calculating the Hash Of Ethereum Block #502871

. In this article, we’ll explore how to calculate the hash of Ethereum block #502871.

What is a Block Header?

A block in a blockchain. It contains information that allows the network to verify and validate transactions. Each Block Header Has Several Important Fields:

  • hash: the sha-256 hash of the entire block.


  • Index: the index of the current block in the blockchain.

Calculating the hash

To calculate the hash of a block header, you’ll need to use a cryptographic algorithm. In this case, we’ll use sha-256 (Secure hash algorithm 256).

Here’s a step-by-step guide:




Here are some example implementations:



Const blockheader = {

Result: {

// … Other Values ​​…


Index: 502871,


// Convert Json String to Bytes

Const Blockbytes = Buffer.from (json.stringify (blockheader), ‘UTF8’);

// Calculate SHA-256 Hash Using OpenSSL Library

Const crypto = require (‘crypto’);

Const sha256hash = crypto.createhash (‘sha256’). Update (blockbytes) .digest (‘hex’);

Console.log (SHA256HASH);




import json

Hashlib import

blockheader = {

'Result': {

... Other Values ​​...


'Index': 502871,


Convert Json String to Bytes

block_bytes = json.dumps (blockheader, sort_keys = true) .encode ('UTF8')

Calculate SHA-256 Hash Using PyCrypto Library

From Cryptography.HazMat.Primitives Import Hashes

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.Asymmetric Import Padding

Def calculate_sha256_hash (data):

Return Hashes.Sha256 (Data) .Digest ()

block_hash = calculate_sha256_hash (block_bytes)

Print (block_hash.hex ())


C. By following these steps

Remember to use with sensitive data. Happy Coding!


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