Ethereum: how do you unstake VGX token?

Unstking your vgx token: a guide to revoking stake after website unavailability

As a long-time striker of the vgx token, you are not alone in this situation. The Ethereum-Based Cryptocurrency Has Been Staked for Various Projects and Initiatives Since Its Early Days, But It Appears That The Website Hosting The Stake Has Become Inaccessible. While We Can Know the Specific Reasons Beind This Issue

Why Unstacte your token?



* Technical issues :

Unstactation your vgx token using etherscan

Etherscan is an online platform that allows users to unstake their tokens and recover of their balance. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Gather Information


* The address of your vgx token on the ethereum blockchain.

* Your Stake Amount (I.E., The Amount of VGX tokens You’ve Staked).

2. Go to Etherscan And Create A New Transaction

  • Open Etherscan and Click on “Create Transaction” in the Top Right Corner.


3. Confirm the Unstaking Transaction


Important Notes:

* Verify Your Stake :

* Be Cautious with Transactions :

Next steps:

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue

Market Depth Bridge

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