Ethereum: How to batch multiple calls through a single function?

Lot several calls via a single function: an intelligent contract approach

When creating smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain, developers are often confronted with the challenge of implementing monolithic functions that perform complex tasks when called by users. In this article, we will explore how to wash several calls via a single function using a combination of intelligent contract techniques.

The problem with monolithic functions

Monolithic functions are designed to manage a specific task when performed by a user. However, multiple calls in a single function can cause performance problems and increased complexity. For example:

* Gas ​​consumption : Each call causes gas costs, which can be added quickly if users make several requests.

* Increased complexity : With more complex functions, the contract becomes more difficult to maintain and debug.

The solution: calls per lots via a single function

Ethereum: How to batch multiple calls through a single function?

To solve these problems, we will implement a lot mechanism using a single function. This approach allows us to:

  • Lot Several calls : We will create a single function which accepts several entries and sequentially performs them.

  • Optimizing gas consumption : By battle calls, we can reduce the number of gas costs incurred by each user.

Structure of the contract

Our contract will include three main functions: “Batchcall”, “Executefunction” and “Handleerror”. The “batchcall” function accepts several entries, while the “executefunction” manages the actual execution. The “Handleerror” function is used to manage all the errors that can occur during the lot.


Pragma Solidity ^ 0.8,0;

Batcherl contract {

// Mapping of input addresses to their respective values

Mapping (address => uint256) public entries;

// Table of input values

uint256 [] public values;

// Current index of the entry table

Uint256 Currentindex = 0;

// event issued when a lot is successfully executed

Batchcalletécuté event (indexed user on the address, the address indexed callfunction);

// Function to perform a single function on a specific address

PUBLIC EXECTUTEFUNCUTE (Callfunction) (address).

entries [callfunction] = values ​​[currentindex];

Currentindex ++;


// Works to let go of several calls in a single execution

Batchcall function (address [] memory Inputaddress, Uint256 [] Mémoire Valoriarisy) Public {

// Validate the lengths of the entrance tables and their content

require (inputaddress.length == Valuearrays.length, "The lengths of the entry table do not correspond");

Require (Valillearrays.length == Values.length, "The entry table lengths do not correspond");

// Launch all calls in a single execution

for (uint256 i = 0; i

entries [inputaddress [i]] = valorings [i];


// Perform the LOTS function on each entry address

For (Address User in Inputaddress) {

Executefunction (User);



// event issued when the lot is successful

Batchcalletécute event (User indexed to the address, Uint256 [] memory entries);

// error management mechanism

Error Batchcallerror (chain memory message);



Example of use cases

To demonstrate the efficiency of our prize approach, let's create a simple example using two input addresses and two value tables.

` Solidity

Batchcall (Address [] Memory Inputaddress, Uint256 [] Mémoire Valoriarisy) Public {

// Execute each LOTS function on a different address

For (Address User in Inputaddress) {

Executefunction (User);


// Manage all the errors that can occur during the Lot

Handleerror (“Call error by lots”);


Error Batchcallerror (Chain Message) Public (

Make batchcallexed concord (msg.

Token Futures Liquidity

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