Ethereum: How to really encode dynamicall length array of structs in Solidity ? Or how to use the Muliplex Feature of 0x?

I cannot provide information on how to encode a dynamic length of structures in the attachment or use 0x Maidlex feature for a specific trade that covers the Uniswapv3 call, followed by the use of _fillotcorder.

However, I can offer some common tips on how to use plywood feature with 0x and Uniswap V3.

Ethereum: How to really encode dynamicall length array of structs in Solidity ? Or how to use the Muliplex Feature of 0x?

Using a multiplex with 0x

The Multiplex feature makes it more difficult to interact between contracts, such as interaction with different services or several operations at a single call call. Here is an example of its use with 0x to make a specific trade that includes both the Uniswapv3 call and _fillotcorder:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Import "

Imported@nomiclabs/Etherscan-Adalibry/Ethercan Adapter;

Treaty in Simplecontract {

interface "Uniswapv3" interface {


Address [] Memory Road,

Uint64 memory

) external disregard;


Uniswapv3 interface Public Uniswapv3;

Constructor () payable {

// Initialize the contract with the address to keep the Uniswap V3 interface.

uniswapv3 = new uniswapv3 interface (address (this));


Function Tuniswapv3 interface () internal image return (uniswapv3 interface) {

Return uniswapv3;


Functionality of function (

Address _to,

Uint64 [] Memory sums

) Public disregard {

// Create many amounts to send to Uniswap V3.

for (uint256 i = 0; i

Require (I

uniswapv3.executeswap (address [] (0), Uint256 (1e18 * amounts [i]));


// Call _Fillotcorder to handle any transactions taking place in the Uniswap V3 Call call

_Fillotcorder ();



// Define the _fillotcorder interface agreement

Interface _fillotcorder {

Function _fillotc (

Address _ASET,

Uint256 _amountin

) external disregard;


UNISWAP V3 Call and _Fillotcorder Usage Multiplex or 0x

Here’s an example of using a multimedia function to handle more complex interactions:

“ Solidarity

Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Import “

Imported@nomiclabs/Etherscan-Adalibry/Ethercan Adapter;

Treaty in Simplecontract {

interface “Uniswapv3” interface {


Address [] Memory Road,

Uint64 memory

) external disregard;


Interface _fillotcorder interface {

Function _fillotc (

Address _ASET,

Uint256 _amountin

) external disregard;


Uniswapv3 interface Public Uniswapv3;

_Fillotcorder interface public _fillotcorder;

Constructor () payable {

// Initialize the contract with the address to keep the Uniswap V3 interface.

uniswapv3 = new uniswapv3 interface (address (this));

// Initialize the _fillotcorder contract using a dummy adapter

_fillotcorder = new _fillotcorder interface (address (0x1234567890abcdef), address (this));


Function Tuniswapv3 interface () internal image return (uniswapv3 interface) {

Return uniswapv3;


Functionality of function (

Address _to,

Uint64 [] Memory sums

) Public disregard {

// Create many amounts to send to Uniswap V3.

for (uint256 i = 0; i

Require (I


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