Ethereum: python Binance: APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: LOT_SIZE

Ethereum and Binance API Problems: Solution to create a restriction to determine

As a cryptocurrency fan and developers, you are not alone with the frustration of the Lot_Size error when you create limited orders on your Binance API. In this article, we are immersed in the reasons behind the question and offer a solution to solve it.

The problem: lot_size error

The Lot_Size error (1013) is an internal error that occurs at Binance API when implementing a limit line order. The exact cause of the error may be complicated to determine, but the common sinners are as follows:

  • Incorrect or missing parameters

  • Market data inappropriate or missing

  • Balance is not sufficient in your account

The problem is: MIN quantity

One of the possible causes of the Lot_Size error is the Minimum quantitative parameter problem. When setting a minimum amount of restriction, it is possible to exceed the margin available in your account.

To troubleshoot this, dive into some Python code examples and discover the possible solutions.

Example Code: Binance API Limit Order Create


import requests

Ethereum: python Binance: APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: LOT_SIZE

Replace the Binance API credentials and the endpoint URL

Api_url = “

Determine the query parameters of creating a limit order

query_params = {

“Symbol”: “Etusd”,

Enter the device pair

“Side”: “Limit”,

Enter whether you have a purchase or sell order -e

“Type”: “order”,

order type (in this case limit)

“Direction”: “Buy”,

The direction of commerce (purchase/sale)

“Quantity”: 0.1,

the amount of order (in decimal format such as 100)

“Timeinforce”: “Good until you deleted”

The time in force to order


Set the authentication and headers

Headers = {

“Contents Type”: “Application/Json”,

“X-MBX-APIKEY”: “Your_api_key”


Complete the query

Answer = Requests.Post (Api_url, Json = Query_params, Heavers = Headers)

Check that the answer contains an error messages

If “error” is the answer.jjson ():

Print (“Error:”, Response.json () [“Error”] [“Message”])


Manage the successful API answer

Order_id = Responsse.json () [“Data”] [“Order”]

Print (F “Limit Created Order Order: {Order_ID}”)


Solve Lot_Size Error

By examining the code, you can see that adjusting the “Min_quantity” parameter to 0.1 is likely to cause the error. You can try to increase this value to ensure enough margin in your account.

In addition, make sure that:

  • The balance of your account contains enough funds for the transaction.

  • “LOTSIZE” (in this case “Lot_size”) API calls a successful answer without error.

More tips and troubleshoot

To further troubleshoot the problem, consider the following:

  • Check that Binance API’s credentials are correct and up to date.

  • Make sure you use the correct API endpoint URL to create restrictions (

  • Check that there are other errors or warning in the response in JSON.

If none of these steps solve the problem, please provide additional details of your setup and the environment, including Binance API credentials, account information and code details. We’ll be happy to help!

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