Lowes Manager Approves

Awesome story with this one. We saw the red car guilty of douche bag parking close to the front at Lowe’s and we choose to park beside it.
The douche actually had us paged I was going to move the car but then he came to us and started yelling at us. He and I exchanged a few choice words. I shut off the jeep and told him “it stays here we’re going shopping!” He said he was going to call the police. We went shopping. After about 20 minutes we get paged again because the police actually came out.
So the wife and I go out smiling and friendly to the policeman. He politely asks if I’ll move the jeep and I agree. Then Douche starts going off again. When the police man tries to explain to him he should Park between the lines. Douche keeps interrupting and yelling. The policeman at this point Asks the manager if he wants to file trespass charges against the douche bag. The manager says no.
So I get in the jeep, wish Douche a good day, give a wave to the police and thank him. Then I get a big thumbs up from Lowe’s manager. It was a great day to be in a Jeep.
JPC-155-9ab Lowe’s Home Improvement, Garfield Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island, USA RI