Metamask: Getting transaction history via Ethers.js

Viewing Received Transactions in MetaMask Using Ethers.js

As an Ethereum blockchain developer, you’re probably familiar with the popular wallet provider MetaMask. However, getting your transaction history to display can be a challenge. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to download and display received transactions using Ethers.js, a JavaScript library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

Why is Viewing Transaction History Necessary?

Viewing transaction history is crucial for a variety of use cases, such as:

  • Wallets: To track incoming and outgoing transactions.
  • Market Analysis Tools:

    To visualize buying and selling activity over time.

  • Security Audits: To ensure that wallets are not being used for illegal activities.

Step-by-step guide to viewing received transactions

To view received transactions in your MetaMask wallet using Ethers.js, you will need:

  • Install Ethers.js: Run npm install ethers.js or yarn add ethers.js in your project directory.
  • Import the library and configure the provider: Create an Ethereum provider instance using ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider. For example:

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('

Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your current Infura project ID.

  • Get wallet address

    : Import a MetaMask wallet instance using ethers.Wallet.fromPrivateKey. You will need to load the private key from a file or your local wallet storage:

const wallet = await ethers.Wallet.fromKey(privateKey);

Replace privateKey with your actual Ethereum private key.

  • Get received transactions: Use the provider instance to get a list of received transactions for a specific address using the ethers.providers.Web3Provider API:

async function getReceivedTransactions() {

const web3 = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('

const walletAddress = '0x...yourwalletaddress...';

try {

const receivedTransactions = await web3.eth.getTransactionHistory(walletAddress, {

count: 100,

fromBlock: 'latest',

toBlock: 'latest',


return => transaction.transaction);

} catch (error) {





This code gets a list of transactions for a specific wallet address. You can then analyze and display these transactions.

  • Displaying transactions: Once you receive a transaction, you can use Ethers.js to create a visualization using the ethers.providers.Web3Provider API.

For example:

async function displayReceivedTransactions() {

const web3 = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('

const receivedTransactions = await getReceivedTransactions();



Example code

Here is a complete example that you can copy and paste into your project:


import * as ethers from ‘ethers’;

import { Web3Provider } from ‘@web3 provider’;

// Set up an Ethereum provider instance

const provider = new Web3Provider(‘

// Get wallet address and private key (replace with your own)

const privateKey = ‘0x…yourwalletprivatekey…’);

const walletAddress = ‘0x…yourwalletaddress…’;

async function getReceivedTransactions() {

try {

const receivedTransactions = await provider.eth.getTransactionHistory(walletAddress, {

count: 100,

fromBlock: ‘latest’,

toBlock: ‘latest’,


return => transaction.transaction);

} catch (error) {


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