Viewing Received Transactions in MetaMask Using Ethers.js
As an Ethereum blockchain developer, you’re probably familiar with the popular wallet provider MetaMask. However, getting your transaction history to display can be a challenge. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to download and display received transactions using Ethers.js, a JavaScript library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.
Why is Viewing Transaction History Necessary?
Viewing transaction history is crucial for a variety of use cases, such as:
- Wallets: To track incoming and outgoing transactions.
- Market Analysis Tools:
To visualize buying and selling activity over time.
- Security Audits: To ensure that wallets are not being used for illegal activities.
Step-by-step guide to viewing received transactions
To view received transactions in your MetaMask wallet using Ethers.js, you will need:
- Install Ethers.js: Run
npm install ethers.js
oryarn add ethers.js
in your project directory.
- Import the library and configure the provider: Create an Ethereum provider instance using
. For example:
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('
with your current Infura project ID.
- Get wallet address
: Import a MetaMask wallet instance using
. You will need to load the private key from a file or your local wallet storage:
const wallet = await ethers.Wallet.fromKey(privateKey);
Replace privateKey
with your actual Ethereum private key.
- Get received transactions: Use the provider instance to get a list of received transactions for a specific address using the
async function getReceivedTransactions() {
const web3 = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('
const walletAddress = '0x...yourwalletaddress...';
try {
const receivedTransactions = await web3.eth.getTransactionHistory(walletAddress, {
count: 100,
fromBlock: 'latest',
toBlock: 'latest',
return => transaction.transaction);
} catch (error) {
This code gets a list of transactions for a specific wallet address. You can then analyze and display these transactions.
- Displaying transactions: Once you receive a transaction, you can use Ethers.js to create a visualization using the
For example:
async function displayReceivedTransactions() {
const web3 = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('
const receivedTransactions = await getReceivedTransactions();
Example code
Here is a complete example that you can copy and paste into your project:
import * as ethers from ‘ethers’;
import { Web3Provider } from ‘@web3 provider’;
// Set up an Ethereum provider instance
const provider = new Web3Provider(‘
// Get wallet address and private key (replace with your own)
const privateKey = ‘0x…yourwalletprivatekey…’);
const walletAddress = ‘0x…yourwalletaddress…’;
async function getReceivedTransactions() {
try {
const receivedTransactions = await provider.eth.getTransactionHistory(walletAddress, {
count: 100,
fromBlock: ‘latest’,
toBlock: ‘latest’,
return => transaction.transaction);
} catch (error) {