Solana: How to create and edit LookUp Tables in the new 2.0.0 version of web3.js?

Creating and editing lookup tables in web3.js 2.0.0: a step-by-step guide

As web3.js continues to evolve with new versions, it’s not uncommon for developers to encounter changes in the underlying protocols and apis. In this article, We’ll Delve Into How to create and edit Lookup tables (also Known as AdresslookuptableProgram) in the New 2.0.0 Version of Web3.js.

What is a lookup table?

A Lookup Table is an interface for querying a blockchain’s addresses or data. It allows you to perform lookups based on specific criteria, such as address, signature, or data. In the context of web3.js, lookup tables are used for varous applications like decentralized finance (Defi), non-bungible tokens (NFTS), and more.

The Old Way: Using AdresslookuptableProgram

Before 2.0.0, You Could Create and Edit Lookup Tables Using the Old AdresslookuptableProgram API:


Const lookuptable = new web3.eth.addresslookuptableProgram ({

// Contriguration for the lookup table


// Create A Function to Query The Table

Function Query () {

Return lookuptable.Query (address);


// use the function to look up an address

query (). then ((result) => {

console.log (result);



However, this approach had some limitations. The Adresslookuptable program API was not designed for large-scale use cases or complex queries.

The New Way: Using Lookuptables.createandedit

With the release of web3.js 2.0.0, a new interface has bone introduced to create and edit lookup tables: lookuptables.createandedit". This method Provides More Flexibility and Scalability Compared to the Old API:


Const lookuptable = await lookuptables.createandedit ({

// Configuration for the lookup table (E.G., Address List)



// Create A Function to Query The Table

Async Function Query () {

const result = await lookuptable.Query ();

Return result;


// use the function to look up an address

query (). then ((result) => {

console.log (result);



The createandit Method Takes Care of Creating and Managing Multiple Tables, Including setting Default Values ​​for a Table Or Merging Existing tables.

How Lookup Tables Work

To Understand How Lookup Tables Work in the New Version of Web3.js, Let’s Dive Into Their Inner Workings. Here’s a High-Level Overview:

  • Table Creation : When you create a new table use lookuptables.createandedit, web3.js generates an index for the table based on its configuration.

  • Indexing data : The data is indexed by malfunction IT in a separate storage system (E.G., Json or a a database).

  • querying data : When a query is executed, web3.js searches through the indexing data to retrieve relevant records.


In this article, we’ve explored how to create and edit lookup tables in the new 2.0.0 version of web3.js using the lookuptables.createandedit method. By livering this improved interface, you can now perform more complex queries and manage large datasets with ease.

Remember to check the official [web3.js documentation] ( for Further Information on Lookup tables and related topics.

Example code

Solana: How to create and edit LookUp Tables in the new 2.0.0 version of web3.js?

Here’s an Example of Using Lookuptables.createandedit to create a new table:


Const lookuptable = await lookuptables.createandedit ({

Addresses: [

‘0x …’,

‘0x …’,

“”, “,”


// Create A Function to Query The Table

Async Function Query () {

const result = await lookuptable.Query ();

Return result;


// use the function to look up an address

query (). then ((result) => {

console.log (result);



This code creates a new lookup table with two addresses and demonstrates how to query it using the createandit method.

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