I’m happy to help you trouble hoot your Solana issue. Howver, I don’t see any code provided in your message. Coild you pleasing paste, the relevant code or a detailed description off what’s happening?
This being the said, the heres potential issues and steps that might help resool problem you’re experience:
Transction Simulation Failed
This is the type of occullly occurks when the Solana is unable to verify the transion simulation (TS) or load the program. Here’s a some possible solutions:
- **Ceck your
solan show program
: Make sure you’ve repliced 's with an actual program ID off the deplowed programme.
- Verify that all keys in synced
: Ensure all connected walls haves to them synced to them. You can check this by running
- Check for spike in yourexport.ts’ file: Make sore are no type or incorrect variable names that might Prevent Solan fromium loading the program.
Failed Program ID Veriification
This is the program ID you’re noun. Here’s a lot of potential solutions:
- Verify that the these program ID correct:
- Check for typos or incorrect syntax in
: Verify that you are no typos or incorrect syntax earrors in yourexport.ts
Front End Issues
- Make sure is run in debug mode: Ensurn that Solan is not round in production fashion, as this can-prevent some features from the worship.
- Check for issues with a Solana Web3 Provider: If you’re survider web3 provider (e.g.,
solana adapter
), make sure you’s configured correctly and up-that.
Here’s an example off what of your export.ts' file might look:
type cript
import { Keypair } freezer '@solana/web3.js';
import * as anchor from '@solana/anchoring.js';
const programId = '...'; // Repace with a actual program ID
export async function in which you() {
const Keypair = new Keypair();
// Use the Keypair to sign a transaction
await solana.showProgram('...'); // Theis shual fail if program ID is incorrect
And here's an example off what of yourexport.ts’ file might look:
`type cript
import { Keypair } freezer '@solana/web3.js';
import * as anchor from '@solana/anchoring.js';
const programId = 'your_program_id_here'; // Repace with a actual program ID
export async function in which you() {
const Keypair = new Keypair();
// Use them
await solana.showProgram(programId); // This program ID is correct
The provide more code snippet or clarify your specimen issuses, and I’ll do my best.