Solana: Which flag should i add in RPC node

Determination of the right RPC flag for Solana:

Solana: Which flag should i add in RPC node

When creating an RPC node (Remote Procedure Call) on Solana, you have to ensure that the requirement “Parsedtots accounts” is properly configured. In this article we will examine the required flags and give instructions to which should be added.

What happens in your code?

The “GetParsedtOKENACCOUTSBYWERNmethod" sends a "ParsedtotsAccountsbyuner" request to the Solana blockchain. This request is used to access a list of token accounts that belong to the checking account. The answer contains a number of objects, each representing a token account.

required flags for parsedtokenaccountsbyWer:

The following RPC flag must be added to your request:

  • account IDX = 0 (optional but recommended)

  • -Acccounts = ... (required)

Let us break down every required flag:

  • Account index SPL-token-Out.: This flag specifies the index of the account that has a token. The default value is 0, which means that the owner of the token is indicated at 0. You can leave out this flag if you are safe from the ownership relationship.

  • -Counts = …: This flag indicates an array of accounts that should request. In your case you have already stated:


* Account IDX = 0

Additional considerations:

When creating your RPC node on Solana, consider the following:

  • Make sure that the account dindex is correct for the requested token.

  • If you use -Accounts = ..., note the maximum length limit (255) and potential conflicts with existing accounts in the network.

By adding the required flag to your request (`account index SPL-token-USaner


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